Category Archives: Nathan’s Letters

再見台灣 (goodbye to Taiwan)

well, the two years are coming to an end. no words can describe how greatful i am for the experiences that i have gone through and the people that i have come to love. im excited for what the future will hold πŸ™‚ this church is soo true. i have had the amazing chance of seeing it change me personally in many ways as well as those around me. Our Heavenly Father loves us, he’s got the plan and if we want we can be a part of it in the best way πŸ™‚

see you! love you all!

Elder Miner

ε­Ÿε€©ι΄»ι•·θ€ (Meng Tianhong Elder)


Hey everyone!

just a quick email letting all of you know, when i get home i will be speaking on the 8th at 9 am. i will be honest i don’t know the address of the chapel but yeah!

663 West 400 NorthSARATOGA SPRINGS, Utah 84045United States
I am pretty sure its this address if it hasn’t changed! anyway, see you all in a bit!
Elder Minerε­Ÿι•·θ€

Random visits

hey everyone!

so this last week was a great one! our key indicators weren’t the best but we were able to pick it up and start getting some good work done. we have been having hard times setting people up so, we just go by and visit them randomly! and guess what they love that it works really well! we have been able to share much more with our investigators as we have gone about it that way. we are struggling with getting people to church, we always invite and do the best we can to get them there but they just don’t seem to do it…. i don’t know why, we hope to help the wang family and lin xiu feng better understand why they need to come to church. they are amazing people but they just don’t come!

life is good though we have been able to see many miracles in our work and yesterday was the start of this week and have already had a good week! this week will be a great one i know it! I love the work here in taiwan and it blows me away how fast time has gone by! i am down to my last week them i am on a plane home….going to be a good one. going out by going hard πŸ™‚ i love this gospel and know that there isn’t a more perfect time than christmas to remember and share about our savior jesus christ! i love him and am so greatful for his sacrifice for each and every one of us πŸ™‚

see you all next week!

Elder Miner


christmas miracles :)

This week has been super good! we had a lesson with gao wei bo again, he promised us last week that he was going to be baptized and this week we were able to help him fully understand the power of the atonement! after talking with him for a good while and watching the because of him video he just nodded and said "a new start" literally when he said that you could just tell that he got it and he wants to change so much! i am so excited for him!

we have been blessed to work with some very prepared people, the only thing that is holding many of them back is the distance needed to travel to church. in total its a 45 minute train ride or a half hour car ride. there are still those that are willing to make that trek and that to me is a testimony that the lord has been preparing this place. we see miracles daily and i am hoping that we can see some of these people baptized this next month! hopefully before i leave but if not, then just right after πŸ™‚ i have loved serving down here in feng lin its been such a great experiece, literally the best! the lord is preparing his people, we just need to invite πŸ™‚

I have enjoyed this last week, working with Elder Conover is great we get along great and see miracles as we just go out and do it! i realized this week that we never see anyone from our zone or even our Distict. we only come up twice a week and only see our zone leaders on sunday because they are in our ward other than that its once a week to see any other missionary…. its kind of lonely but not really at all haha i love being in the middle of nowhere with all these super nice aboriginal people its the greatest πŸ™‚ lovin’ life and lovin’ the mission! love you all!

Elder Miner


here is my sharing the gospel to a phoenix and a baby asian captain jack sparrow…. yesss πŸ™‚


this last week was a great one, we were able to visit one of our baptismal date investigators, gao wei bo, and he told us straight up "you remember how i told you i would get baptized in December? yeah i set aside that date already, i promise i will get baptized and i want to bring my daughter too." super sweet! i am so excited for him! he has the biggest desire to change its super great! we have also met with the wang family and they are still willing to work toward baptism but we are still working over some of their concerns. i really do feel that they will be able to make it in December.

we have been able to find a place to do english class now too so we will be doing that tomorrow! im sure that once it gets spread around that we have this class there will be a lot of people that will come and be able to meet the Gospel! also we have planned to hold a christmas activity down here and even though there aren’t a ton a members down here we are getting some of the members from up in ji an to come down and perform the nativity for us and just spread the church that way πŸ™‚ stoked out of my mind!! Christmas literally is such an amazing time to share the gospel, because everyone just wants to know and even if you aren’t christian you feel the christmas spirit.

these are just pictures of our pday. we went to our bishops house and caught a chicken, we put the chicken in a bag and brought it to his house, then we killed the chicken, plucked its feathers, then we then cooked it and made soup out of it! super fun p day πŸ™‚ life is good πŸ™‚

love you guys!

Elder Miner


a whole new Zone

so this last week ill be honest i have been exhausted! its was super good though πŸ™‚ we had transfers and there were a lot of changes made here! every companionship except two of us changed in one way or another! had one training companionship that had both of them move in the middle of training and went to open an area… nuts! then we just had a lot of new people move in and i am now the oldest missionary in the zone and the mission! yay! haha this is the start of my last transfer on mission and that is a weird feeling. doesn’t really feel like the end honestly haha but whatever

so we ran into a little hold up with the wang family, we were talking with them and they brought up that they have issues with the trinity because of things that they learned in their last church. we talked with them and they are still willing to meet and all we are just hoping that we can help them continue to learn all this. then we have had some good work done with all our other investigators we have a few that are willing to keep commitments and we are hoping that we can get them ond ate for baptism πŸ™‚ i love the people we are working with!

thats about it honestly, but life is good! Elder Conover is sick right now which is kind of sucky but he’s doing good. i just hope that i don’t get sick because i would just rather not haha. love you all!

Elder Miner


another great week!

so to start off i just want to talk about some super good news i recieved this last week!!! there is this family that me and Elder Welch were teaching back in gui shan and they were awesome and once this week while visiting our bishop he told me that the bishops wife from that ward had been trying to get in touch with me because this famliy was getting baptized!! they actually wanted me to come up there and help them get baptized but i am all the way down here so there is no way of going up…. i asked.. haha! but either way this is a picture from when we were first teaching them and right before i left to come down to hua lian.

this is a picture of their baptism!!! i can’t even tell you how excited i am for them! they are such a cute little family πŸ™‚ all the missionaries in this picture are super great too but i am not actually sure which missionaries are serving there right now. either way im super excited for them πŸ™‚

As for this week down here in feng lin we had another great week!! i am loving it here! this last week we were able to meet with the wang family and i mentioned last time that one big concern that the wife had was about prophets and whether or not Joseph Smith was truly called of God. so we invited her to read and pray specifically for this question and she did! when we came back she said that it was something that she and her husband both believe! super awesome!!! also when we visited them last night we read the book of mormon with them just starting at the very beginning and as we were reading she was having all these questions (because she is busy with work and other stuff she says she forgets to read so she hasn’t been reading much, the husband is actually retired and a stay at home dad so he reads a lot!) so while she was asking all these questions he was just like "actually this is what a prophet is…. this is why we need them…. this is what the book is talking about…" just answering all the questions that she was asking and it was great!! just another reminder that the book of mormon answers all the questions that you will run into! so go and read it everybody!! πŸ™‚

other than that i had a fun time this week making cookies in a toaster, eating a cake that my bishop gave to me, eating candy that was given to me by a member in from my very first area, and wearing a super good looking tie that was also given to me. the people here are too nice!

I also got a package from my mom! gave me a sweet bandit mustache along with some very good looking socks…. they made me happy πŸ™‚

life is good! transfers are this week but i don’t think i will be moving but anything is possible! so we will see what this next transfer will hold for us πŸ™‚ love you all! 加油!

Elder Miner


another great week!

so to start off i just want to talk about some super good news i recieved this last week!!! there is this family that me and Elder Welch were teaching back in gui shan and they were awesome and once this week while visiting our bishop he told me that the bishops wife from that ward had been trying to get in touch with me because this famliy was getting baptized!! they actually wanted me to come up there and help them get baptized but i am all the way down here so there is no way of going up…. i asked.. haha! but either way this is a picture from when we were first teaching them and right before i left to come down to hua lian.

this is a picture of their baptism!!! i can’t even tell you how excited i am for them! they are such a cute little family πŸ™‚ all the missionaries in this picture are super great too but i am not actually sure which missionaries are serving there right now. either way im super excited for them πŸ™‚

As for this week down here in feng lin we had another great week!! i am loving it here! this last week we were able to meet with the wang family and i mentioned last time that one big concern that the wife had was about prophets and whether or not Joseph Smith was truly called of God. so we invited her to read and pray specifically for this question and she did! when we came back she said that it was something that she and her husband both believe! super awesome!!! also when we visited them last night we read the book of mormon with them just starting at the very beginning and as we were reading she was having all these questions (because she is busy with work and other stuff she says she forgets to read so she hasn’t been reading much, the husband is actually retired and a stay at home dad so he reads a lot!) so while she was asking all these questions he was just like "actually this is what a prophet is…. this is why we need them…. this is what the book is talking about…" just answering all the questions that she was asking and it was great!! just another reminder that the book of mormon answers all the questions that you will run into! so go and read it everybody!! πŸ™‚

other than that i had a fun time this week making cookies in a toaster, eating a cake that my bishop gave to me, eating candy that was given to me by a member in from my very first area, and wearing a super good looking tie that was also given to me. the people here are too nice!

I also got a package from my mom! gave me a sweet bandit mustache along with some very good looking socks…. they made me happy πŸ™‚

life is good! transfers are this week but i don’t think i will be moving but anything is possible! so we will see what this next transfer will hold for us πŸ™‚ love you all! 加油!

Elder Miner


good ol’ phoenix forest ι³³ζž—

this week has been another great week in Fenglin! I have truly enjoyed working down here we see so many miracles and even though its a slow work to see everything turn out i can absolutely see that this is going to work! We were able to meet with the wang family and find out that the wife has been a little worried about prophets and we were able to talk it over with her and the husband and they are willing to work over it and pray about it. i just love how serious they are about the gospel, i know that when they receive their answer they will be truly converted to the gospel and not to anything or anyone else.

we have also found another investigator that we have gotten on date! 12/10 his name is gao wei bo. he is this super humble man that hasn’t had the life that he wants and is really just looking to start over. he has read and has had some good experiences already i hope that we can help him come to really see the great impact that the Atonement can have on his life! life is good πŸ™‚

then we have had some good times down here on pdays, we have been going to some very beautiful places and just had some good times! life is good! love you all!

Elder Miner


The Wang family

so i know that i said i would email on tuesdays but we ended up staying up in jian so we get to email today! yay!

this week was good, we were able to work more with the wang family and am super excited to see them work for baptism! we have been blessed with all the miracles we have seen. we were feeling a little less energy this last week for whatever reason so Elder Conover and i decided we are going to change that. This next week we plan to work hard and find a way to increase our energy! we come home each night just exhausted which is always good but we don’t want that effecting our work se we are going to try many different things to get that done πŸ™‚ We have been finding it hard to find members to get at our lessons because we are in an area that has two members that can help us and usually they are kind of harder to set time with. we are going to try to work with them on setting time and then finding an investigator for that time and see if that works.

This last week we had some fun times! we were fed some aberoriginal food that was quite interesting! they fed us some barbequed pig and some soup that was made from every other part of the pigs insides…. including the blood…. super good actually im not even kidding! just a weird brown color haha! almost looked like beans…. almost haha πŸ™‚ then we had many different run ins with drunk people! falling off scooters and being totally fine, chasing us away from their house, and just being a ton of fun singing and hugging us! (guys only don’t worry ) it has been fun though! we have seen some great progress here and i love each and every miracle we see!! πŸ™‚ love you all!

Elder Miner


just some pictures of the area, rides in strangers trucks, and some good old poor man rice and bananas πŸ™‚