Monthly Archives: August 2016

Visti from Elder Evans, repentance, preparing for baptism

hey everyone! so this last week was a good one! there wasn’t a ton that happened much different other than we had Elder Evans a general authority came to talk with us! is was super sick! he gave us a solid talk all about the importance in repentance is the work that we are doing here. as we share the gospel we must be focusing on the importance of repentance. literally if you think about it repentace is a miracle! the fact that we can be forgiven and change through the Atonement is such a blessing! im so greatful for the Atonement!

other than that we have been working with many people and had a total of 5 people commited to coming to church but not a single one came. i learned a lot from that experience and hope that i can be able to help them out the best i can! life is good πŸ™‚ we have a total of 5 people that i feel will be making it to baptism here! i hope while i am here. we have transfers this week and i don’t think i will leave yet but no one knows that! haha anyway we have had good success here! love you all! exersize its important! read the book of mormon thats also very important! and brush you teeth as well if you could πŸ˜‰ haha love you all!

Elder Miner


Pokemon finding, legit families, life is good :)

Alright so what is up with this pokemon game?? its literally everywhere in taiwan is it super big in america too? we have developed a new type of finding in our area from this game that everyone and their grandma (i am not even kidding when i say that…. sadly… haha) is playing! you just walk around with this game on and its connected to maps so you just go around and find pokemon its pretty funny! i know that being on your phone is bad but because of this game we see so many people that we have never seen before at the parks! so… we catch pokemon for jesus πŸ™‚

then we met this super sick famliy last week that has been through some hard stuff but as a result they are super prepared for the gospel!! they are the li family the family incudes the mom li ya and then her son just those two but they are sick! we are woking with them and hoping that we can start to slowly help them just see the good side of life πŸ™‚ because life is so good!

other than that we met this LA who has some very hard life situations he is living in a house thats super small and when we visited him he shared with us some of the little food he had which was just some sweet potatoes super simple but it was all he had! love the man, hope to be able to get to know him better.

again i just want to stress the importance of the sacrament and remembering christ. literally no matter who you are it just brings such power its legit! i love this gospel and im so greatful for the chance i have to come and share it with the world πŸ™‚

Elder Miner



first off that translation is weird but it just means the good things in life are worth waiting for.. haha anyway…

this week was another great one! we have been able to see many miracles as we have gone out finding and just working hard to bring those prepared to christ! i have literally never been so tired in my mission but at the same time i have enough energy every day to get all i need done! life is the best πŸ™‚

so last week i talked about a past investigator i contacted in tao yuan that came down to visit and play for pday and she is actually baptized now too!!! she got baptized last saturday and she was so dang excited about it all πŸ™‚ and on top of that we have been able to find some sick people to start meeting with as well! we have literally been able to see miracles from just working πŸ™‚ i don’t think i have been so inconstantly happy in my entire mission πŸ™‚ even though we had joanna and yoyo not be able to continue to progress and have lost another lin rong yao we have managed to stay positive.

i have learned a lot just about the power of decision. literally if you decide to you can avoid negative thoughts, sin, feelings of inadequacy, and a ton more. you just decide to use the Atonement of Christ before situations come up and you can strengthen yourself to the point where when they come you can overcome them quicker than if you hadn’t applied the Atonement πŸ™‚ its sick i dare you to try it out! i love guys! hey read psalms 100:3-5 its good stuff πŸ™‚

love you all!

Elder Miner
