Monthly Archives: April 2015

God hears and answers prayers

Hey everyone!

so this week has been so good! we had a very slow week if you look at what we were able to do and how many lessons we were able to teach but overall i feel like we did our best! i had many experiences where prayers were answered and where my testimony was strengthened. to start we started out on about thursday saying more prayers when we head out so that we rely more on the lord for everything. on friday we were saying a prayer to ask where we should go in order to find the people who were prepared on the street. the first time we didn’t really recieve a solid answer so…. so we prayed again! then right when we finished our prayer this guy jumps in and says “I love the book of mormon!!” in chinese of course. so we talk to him and end up setting up to meet with him again! it turns out that he’s a little crazy and we shouldn’t meet with him….. but! story two!

we were finding at this park and we again said two prayers as to where we should go then we ended up running into this guy who was with his family who was a past investigator and he said he wanted to come back to church so we got his name. he only told us his english name which was sam so we got that and his number than went on our way. met another super cool old guy that loves americans and then a less active let us in so we could talk with them! it was awesome! but thats not all!

Then on sunday we were finding and weren’t having luck at all…. so we said another prayer and we decided to go look for these less actives around the park. there were 4 of them so we said another prayer to see who we should meet. then we ended up choosing this cai dixiong. so we ended up going to his house and we got in there and this guy just invites us up and makes us feel right at home and the entire time im thinking “this guy is very nice for just meeting us this is strange and he looks soooo familiar” it turns out its the guy that we saw in the park and he didn’t tell us that he had been baptized so we thought he was just a past investigator! we taught him and his entire family it was so cool!!

From these experiences and a lot more little ones i can say that god hears and really does answer prayers! i have no doubt in my mind that these things would not have happened had we not asked and relied on the lord to help us do his work! i love you all and hope that you can have some experiences of your own!

have a great week!

Elder Miner

Oh a picture of some ward members and such! and a sweet museum!

2015-04-27 Nathan's Mission 2 2015-04-27 Nathan's Mission 1

Arrival in Xinzhuang

da jia hao!

Alright so this past week or so has been crazy!! i love every second of it though thats for sure! 🙂 Taiwan is just so flipping awesome i love it so much i can’t even get over it! All the people here are so nice and they all just want to make sure you’re fed its kind of funny 🙂 haha The language is coming not as fast as i would maybe like but hey its only been about a week so i can’t expect too much! My companion is Elder Jensen and he is a really good trainer, sometimes he makes me do things i don’t want to do but i know they will help me so thats just me being dumb 🙂 haha anyway so right now im serving in xinzhuang which is a really cool place! ill show you some pictures ive taken of my area and all of Taiwan that ive been to so far later. but our area is actually a newly opened area so we don’t have anything…. almost literally. we don’t have a phone, bikes, area book, or past investigators for this area. oh and we’ve gone finding pretty much 8 hours each day because we have no appointments which i love actually because im learning so much about Taiwan and im learning the language faster because im speaking with a lot of people haha 🙂

The mission is such a sweet place!! ive already learned a ton and hope i can keep learning! now ill show you some pictures!

-First is Taipei 101 its a HUGE building its crazy cool!

-this museum place i don’t know the name…

-Where we go running every morning which is the best

-just a broken cross walk sign it was funny at the time.. haha

-all this fruit was like $3 in american money, sooo good!

-oh and a massive hog some guy had as a pet!

Xinzhuang2015-04-19 Nathan's Mission 12015-04-19 Nathan's Mission 22015-04-19 Nathan's Mission 32015-04-19 Nathan's Mission 42015-04-19 Nathan's Mission 52015-04-19 Nathan's Mission 6

Off to Taiwan tomorrow!

Hey! so im actually leaving tomorrow morning and the flight leaves at 7:15! so ill try and call whoever i can when i get to the airport! and i won’t be able to email this week i don’t think because everything is changing a lot so i guess ill see you all next week! love you all!

Elder Miner