Monthly Archives: November 2015

Thanksgiving, Temple, and Baptism!

This week we had a lot of fun crazy things happen! first off we had our pday as usual so that was fun we didn’t do anything super crazy for it but it was good for sure. Then on Tuesday we woke up at 3:30 in the morning to catch a train up to Taipei for a special meeting from one of the new Apostles that was picking up his son from the Taizhong mission. Elder Stevenson, it was super awesome! there really isn’t any way i can share how great it was. he shared a lot but what i learned most from him was that the gospel is just so very simple and brings so many blessings!

Then after he shared with us on the east coast got to go to the temple! its the first time in 5 months or so! super great to go i love the temple. don’t take it for granted ๐Ÿ™‚ then we headed back and when we got back, we had a member that picked us up and this is what he had in the back of his van…


super fun ride home. this member is such an awesome guy i love him!

then the next thing is that we have an investigator that is working for baptism and we taught him the big one… the law of chastity haha he took it well and is working hard! im excited about him! pray for him.

Then Tanksgiving was awesome! to be honest i forgot… me and Elder Lindahl both forgot haha! it was at lunch that we finally were told by the sisters that it was Thanksgiving! so we got some super good deep fried food for dinner.
โ€‹not bad!

Then i had a lesson with a guy that was just sleeping on the side of the road. it was honestly such a great lesson i loved it. he spent the first 2/3 of the lesson laying down haha! then later that day we had a baptism! The sisters in our ward met this super prepared girl that is super legit! she asked if i would be able to baptize her. her name is zhuang ya wen, and might i say… i didn’t mess up which i was super worried about doing! haha!

โ€‹Other than that the week was great. we are working with some amazing investigators and i am so glad that i have to opportunity to be apart of this! the work is going good in Taiwan and there is nothing to complain about ๐Ÿ™‚ im attaching more pictures of my birthday cake, the hong family,our wards Thanksgiving activity and just some other fun stuff ๐Ÿ™‚ Love you all and hope that you are all doing good! remember who you are, remember where you are from, and Remeber why you are doing what you are doing ๐Ÿ™‚ love you all!

Elder Miner

oh last of all this karate performance is not what it looks like. our first councilor teaches these kids and they are pretty good! but when they got up for this act they actually started doing it to this song that they kind of danced to it was super funny to see the things they did! haha!

ๅนณๅฎ‰ Baptism, Chinese, and Leo

Hey everyone!

So this week was another good week! to start off we had interviews with president! super great, i love that man. He shared with us many things that are going to help our missionary work now and then he shared things that we can do now to ensure we have a strong gospel centered family when we have one of our own someday… he’s a good guy and definitely inspired of the lord! Then after interviews i had a chance to test on my phase 2!

so our mission has a great language study tool. its broken up into 3 phases. first is strictly on gospel related vocab and phrases. second, is just 2 thousand most commonly used words in chinese… or close to it. Then 3rd… IS ALL CHARACTERS BABY! and i passed on the phase two test this week so i have started on learning characters! im so flipping excited you have no idea! ๐Ÿ™‚

Then we had a baptismal interview this week which was the sisters in our wards investigator! she is probably the most solid investigator ive seen, and she is getting baptized next week! she asked me to baptize her so that will be cool to help with that! its been exciting to see her progress even though she isn’t my investigator haha!

We have had many good investigators but despite all we do to help them we haven’t had any progress to the point were they are willing to put the gospel in front of their work or other things… we do have one that is making it super close! his name is Bluce… yes i spelled that right haha ๐Ÿ™‚ he is super cool and im super excited to see him make these steps for baptism! we also have another investigator named leo. he is also making great progress! we just figured out though that he might have a pretty serious problem with some of the commandments so when we teach those i will be praying we can teach in a way that will show him the hope the gospel has! im very hopeful for him though ๐Ÿ™‚

I love this work guys! its so much fun and the most tiring work ive ever done! i constantly am put into situations that i learn so much about myself as a person and learn to change as hard as that is. but aside from my shortcomings it is great to be a part of this work! life is good! love you all!

Elder Miner

this week…. i literally only took this picture… my bad… but hey my famliy is awesome they sent me this for my birthday! super sick boat!

Birthday, time is short

Hey everyone!

this week was awesome! thank you for all the birthday wishes!!

we went to monkey mountain again and this time was soo sick! i got to feed some and it was just a fun time! then we just had a nice normal week! oh and guess what… my comp forgot my birthday… :p he is awesome i love him!

This week was a slower one with not a ton that happened but i realized that time is flying by too fast… we had an LA that came to church this week that hasn’t been in a good long while so that was awesome!! im glad that i can serve here another transfer and hope that i can have this much fun and this many spiritual experiences in my next areas! im coming up on my year mark already and i feel like i haven’t been out long enough! Just keep up the good work and know that god provides! Love you all!

Elder Miner


“Jesus the Christ,” “Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith,” going eternal with Elder Lindahl, San Xian Tai

to start this off i just want to share something that i thought was pretty great that i read this week! so its in Jesus the Christ: pgs 340 and 344.

A little background first, This is when Christ gives the teaching to many of his deciples including his 12 and many others. He tells then that he is the bread of life and in this instance Talmage states that many of his followers didn’t understand or didn’t want to understand or were offended in some way by his statement. In this sense he was proving those that were his followers, either they would follow him or they would take what he said as too hard or not possible. In this instance not even the 12 Apostles fully understood what he ment. now i want to quote a part of what was said after many had left on page 344:

"Jesus said talking to the apostles ‘Will ye also go away?’ Peter, speaking for himself and his brethren, answered with pathos and conviction: ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.’ The spirit of the holy Apostleship was manifest in this confession. Though they were unable to comprehend in fullness the doctrine, they knew Jesus to be the Christ, and were faithful to him while others turned away into the dark depths of apostasy."

Now I don’t know if you all noticed but in General Conference i counted a number of times that the Apostles and others referenced the members of the church as Disciples. So, i just have one invite. This is to all those that are members of the church no matter how active you are or where you are on your conversion process. I would pray that if you have any doubts or anything that you just plain don’t understand, Just hold on to that belief in Christ and the power in his teachings. There are still many things that i don’t fully understand but i can promise you all, as you press forward and just have the simple desire or hope that these things are true god will, through the spirit, make these things known to you. you will have a deeper understanding and eventually it is promised to know all the secrets of heaven. First we just need to do our part, President Uchtdorf once said "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith" I would hope that you all can just hold onto the truth that you already know. I love you all and know that these things are true! ๐Ÿ™‚

Now for the week! we had another transfer this week and guess what… im going eternal with Elder Lindahl!! he is a stud and i couldn’t be happier! its going to be an awesome transfer! then last week we went to san xian tai (i think that is the pinyin for that…) but that was sick!!! i loved it and honestly i haven’t seen a more beautiful place in my oh so short life!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ill attach pictures and probably send more in another email ๐Ÿ™‚ then… we had a sick english party that was the craziest i have seen in Taiwan yet! haha ๐Ÿ™‚ then… yeah that is about the week. nothing else super exciting happened aside from amazing personal study times! i love studying ๐Ÿ™‚ chinese is legit and Taiwan is beautiful! im so glad that i have had this time and have so much more time here ๐Ÿ™‚ and my birthday is awesome too thanks for the birthday wishes! love you all and i love the gospel! pictures to come soon!

Till next week!

Elder Miner

Ponderizing, Zheng

Hey everyone!

To start i want to talk about something that i have been doing ever sense watching General Conference! its that ponderize thing! its super sweet! i would invite you all to do it! the scripture that i chose this week is alma 33:11 would love to hear back from you all to see which scriptures you have chosen if you are doing it!

So this week was a really good one! for the past few weeks we haven’t had anyone that was seriously working toward baptism or had really a ton of interest in our message aside from the fact that we are white Americans… ahah! but thats alright we have seen a pretty big change this week!

To start we have been working with some investigators for a while now where they haven’t been progressing or keeping commitments for a while BUT suddenly they have all started to do what we ask them and as a result they have been willing to set baptismal dates! im so excited! One that we have been putting specific focus on is Ellen xing is zhang, she is so funny1 we have gone to visit her at her work many times which is the only place that she can because she is super busy all other times so it was amazing to see her begin to progress! she is awesome, she and her husband own this place and she is keeping the invites and he isn’t quite yet… but its ok! we all know that sometimes it takes a girl to make guys do things ๐Ÿ˜‰ haha kidding!… kind of…

Then we have this kid who reminds me of Tony back home in our ward in Saratoga Springs! he is super legit i love this kid! his xing is zheng and he is here alone just in collage but he has a super deep sincere desire to learn truth and has been working hard to actually understand what we have been sharing and im super stoked for him! he is going back to tainan to visit his family and he’s like "yeah im bringing my book of mormon on the train to read and im going to share it with my family too!" haha he’s funny! love that kid!

Then i just have some pictures that i can attatch to describe the rest of the week!

got some of the zone up at our stake presidents house

our zone leaders taking some glammer shots

pictures with my comp and other missionaries

and a super good thing they sell on the streets for super cheap! 12 kuai or about 50 cents!

Love you all! hope this week is great for you all!

Elder Miner