Monthly Archives: March 2016

Sun, Zhen Jia, Christ has a part in every aspect of our lives

so, life is good and life is great! ๐Ÿ™‚ we have had a great week of work and the sun finally came out! we have seen so many great miracles while working this week! we have seen a new investigator you zhen jia that has set a baptismal date! he had some concerns but we were able to talk with him about them and really just work with him he is so legit ๐Ÿ™‚

so this week nothing super crazy happened aside from that so… ill just share a little something about the savior ๅฅฝไธๅฅฝ? ๐Ÿ™‚ so this week i was reading through preach my gospel this week. They have a list of scriptures that just straight testify of christ and its so legit! one that i really loved was 2 nephi 31-33 its just straight testimony of christ and the necessity of him and his atonement. I just want to bear my simple testimony of the reality of our Loving and Living savior. I have come to realize through my personal experience and the miracles i have seen that he truly has a hand in every aspect of our lives! the fact that he has suffered and was ressurected for every one of us makes it possible for us to overcome death and overall progress! I love this gospel and i can personally promise that if we want to know of these basic truths you simply have to seek and pray for it! Our Heavenly Father is just waiting for us to ask, so Just do it! I love you all and i love this gospel!

I have a baby!!

So this week has been such a crazy one! to start off we knew transfers were coming but something i didn’t know was that i was training!!! so i got the call on Tuesday night while contacting, then we had Wednesday and then i picked up my baby on Thursday! super excited for this transfer and all that we are going to accomplish!! he is from Highland Utah and a solid guy! he went to American Heritage by Timpanogos soo… im not sure if my mom knows him or not! haha but anyway he is legit! sense he has gotten here we have been non-stop working which is the way it should be but i don’t know how to raise a kid! haha im kidding he’s not a kid but i im really going to be relying on the lord a lot for this one ๐Ÿ™‚

This week has been a really good one, our investigators are progressing and im expecting to see a baptism this month! also two for next month! i know that its totally possible becuase we are working with Brother Ding and he is loving the gospel and all that he is learning! pray for him! then we have Lillian, and Amie they are both amazing! Lillian is 24 and everytime we meet she says that she just feels something thats different! (i love the spirit don’t you??) then Amie is a mom that just loves her famliy! we have such great investigators!

The church is true everybody! as we go about following the example that christ has set for us we will see blessings and as a result blessings. so everybody, go and follow the example of the savior! experiment on this teachings and you will see that each and every one of them will bring happiness and blessings!!

Love you all!

Elder Miner

No transfer for me, Lantern Festival, Family is Important

so… Transfers have come again! we were lucky enough to stay together for these two transfers and this week that is likely going to change! Transfers are great and the worst thing ever at the same time. you spend long enough with one guy and you get to know him really well! you make some lifelong friends while out on the mission! we will see what happens next week with it all!

but anyway, this week we had the chance to go to the Lantern Festival here in Tao Yuan which was soooo legit! there was so much good food and just went with some fun members ๐Ÿ™‚ then we had some good and some very stressful meetings with some RC’s haha it was interesting for sure! will have to ask me about that when i get home if you remember! haha then there was a super great exchange this week and i learned a lot! Elder Boyce if you know him… i don’t have a picture but… yeah! he’s from provo!

good news! ive mentioned brother ไธding before, and he came to church again and he loves it! his exact words to me were. (well obviously not the exact words he speaks chinese…) "you know, when i come to church i learn how to apply the things that you teach me!" He’s such a humble guy and i love him and his family soo much!! also we had Leo! his chinese name is ๆŽๅŠ้‹’ li jian feng, and in case you don’t know… that name is sick!! his name translated (or at least pretty close) is just sharp sword li! he’s a stud! he’s 17 and wants to join the military! he cam to church as well and is starting to open up with us more and more, i love getting to know him and just everyone we meet. they are awesome!

other than that… this week was great! Humility can either be forced upon us by a circumstance or it can be chosen. Choosing is always the better choice ๐Ÿ™‚ i love you all and i love this gospel. Family is so much more important than we even know. The fact that we come to this crazy world with some of the best people is not a coincidence. we are all here for a reason and the only way we can truely understand that reason is through our communication with our father in heaven.

Love you all! until next week!


Elder Miner

this is our last zone picture this transfer!

and this guy may or may not be famous….